hello, and thanks for stopping by! 

at the moment, i’m unable to take orders to the UK and EU through the cozybluehandmade.com system. but all hope isn’t lost! 

if you’re a UK/EU customer, please contact me to process your order directly.

September 29, 2024

shop news: hurricane helene updates

we're safe, but orders are delayed

update 10.13.24 1pm

took a drive through the river arts district this morning, and it broke my heart all over again. 💔 but everywhere i looked, i also saw HOPE.

the community is coming together, cleaning up, helping each other. there are disaster recovery teams here from all over the continent (the linemen that worked on our street were from quebec!), and the outpouring of support is just incredible to see.

we still have a very long and hard road ahead. i don't know exactly how we'll recover from this, but i am here for it.

i'm happy to report that power has been restored to my neighborhood, and miraculously, we have running water. the vast majority of the area is still without water, and will be for several more weeks at least.

i am slowly shifting back into work mode, but there will be minor delays with shipping and emails and things. my "regular life" is still bumpy, and everything just takes so much longer and needs more attention.

thanks for hanging in here with me. 💙


update 10.7.24 11am

day 11 with no power and no water. BUT i had an ah-ha moment last night, and i have rigged up a way to print some shipping labels!! 🙌
stitch club, wholesale, and retail orders will begin shipping today.

i have very limited internet access, so everything is taking ten times longer than usual, and it's just me working solo at cozyblue hq right now.
there are just so many other things that i need to focus on too, so i haven't had as much time to work as i usually do.

all to say: THANK YOU SO MUCH for your patience!!

today's agenda: start getting these orders out the door, hopefully find a place to wash a dishwasher-full of dirty dishes, bring all my plants inside (it's about to get cold!), and take junie out for a neighborhood walk.

love you all. xo


update 10.5.24 4pm

hi friends 💙 i'm still here! i wanted to pop in and give you a quick update. i am having trouble getting my thoughts in order, and there's no neat way to summarize all that's going on here.

we are still without power, water, and wifi. we're hoping to get power restored by monday, but the water system is not going to be rebuilt for several weeks at least.

we are doing ok with supplies... we have snacks, bottled water for drinking, and rain water for flushing. cell service is pretty good now, and we've been able to find gas for our cars fairly easily so we can reach other areas of town for food and supplies.

our biggest issue at the moment is laundry and showers, but we've gotten generous offers from friends to come use their place, so we will probably take them up on that soon.

all the neighbors are outside most of the day. we watch helicopters flying over all day and share tips about where to find bagged ice. sometimes we work together to haul our trash cans full of rotting fridge food to the dumpster, or sometimes we gather around a firepit in someone's yard and just hang out. when someone has extra bottles of water or food, or paper plates, they share the bounty. we are really lucky to have great neighbors.

i've been back in the studio today, packing up orders that i hope i'll be able to ship soon. i saw UPS and USPS on our street yesterday, so once i can find a way to print shipping labels, these orders will be on their way to you.

my beautiful town is such a wreck, i can hardly believe it. it's truly devastating. so many places i know and love, the businesses i've watched grow and thrive here, so many are just gone. washed away completely or left in ruins. we've lived and loved here for 25 years. it is breaking my heart.

still, we are incredibly lucky. the destruction and death is unbelievable, but my family and friends are safe, and everyone is strong and resilient. i'm so proud of them.

so many of you have reached out, and i wish i could thank you all with a great big hug. i am grateful for you and your support, prayers, good vibes, and well wishes.

p.s. there are so many wonderful relief organizations here, big and small, from near and far. it is amazing to see. if you feel moved to do so, there are many opportunities for donations. here are just a few: @manna_foodbank @belovedasheville @wckitchen @bounty_and_soul @riverartsdistrictasheville



hello friends,

first, i want to let you know that my family, cozyblue hq, and i are safe after hurricane helene. we're incredibly grateful for that.

at the moment, we don't have access to the internet, email, or social media. we're without water, power, and other essential services—including the post office—which means i can't print shipping labels or send out orders. while the website is still up and running and you're welcome to place orders, i'm currently unable to ship anything, and i'm not sure when that will change.

i was planning to ship the stitch club kits on october 1st, but that's just not possible right now. i'm so sorry for the delay.

thank you so much for your patience and understanding during this time. i'll take care of everything just as soon as we're back up and running here.

i'll update this post as i can, and please subscribe to the newsletter for updates.

if you'd like to support cozyblue, purchasing gift cards is the most helpful way to do so.

thank you for being part of this wonderful community.

with gratitude, liz

p.s. this post is made possible by the amazing isaac at sprucely.


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CozyBlue Blog

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i believe small, simple acts of creativity can make the world a calmer, happier place. cozyblue helps you start one stitch at a time.