June 08, 2018
simply sewing mag

we are wrapping up our final days of school, and summer is so close we can already taste it! my daughter is moving up from 8th to 9th (high school!); my son is finishing 4th grade, and will be starting at a new school next year. we are super excited but it's bittersweet for me to say goodbye to the elementary school i've been a part of for the past 9 years! it's the end of an era, for sure. next year both kids will be at the same school and i am reeeeeeally looking forward to that.
you know how much i love to read and talk about books. we've been having a fun chat over on instagram about one of my recent reads. i've since finished the book and i just loved it!
i'm also on goodreads if you want to be my friend :)
another thing i've been loving lately: my weighted blanket! the older i get, the more i seem to have trouble getting a great night's sleep. i've been wanting a weighted blanket for a while now but couldn't get past the high price tag, so i did what any creative would do: i made one! mine is 17 pounds and i super-love it.

if you're lucky enough to get your hands on issue 43 of simply sewing mag (brought to you by the same fine folks of mollie makes!) you'll find a fun interview that i did AND a pattern for this super sweet bee hoop project. it's based on my bee lovely design, but this one has a bit of applique thrown in, and a fresh and bright color palette.