October 27, 2017
pumora interview

i recently did an interview with anne of pumora, and her questions were so thoughtful and fun to answer. anne has a really wonderful lexicon of embroidery stitches on her website -- be sure to bookmark and pin them!

#stitchedanddone is still happening! keep tagging your finished cozyblue projects with #cozyblue and #stitchedanddone and share the creative ways you are using your finished embroidery projects. and if you're looking for ways to use your finished embroidery projects, this is a good place to look for ideas.

this past week, my youngest turned TEN! his big gift this year was a trip to see Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in Concert. HPSS + a live symphony orchestra performing the john williams score. we knew it would be cool, but we were all blown away by just how incredible the whole experience was. if you have any film concert series coming your way, i highly recommend grabbing some tickets!
my winter collection is set to launch on november 24th. yep -- that's black friday. i always offer a sale to celebrate the launch of a new collection, and since this one coincides with black friday, small biz saturday, AND cyber monday, i've got a little something extra up my sleeve that i thnk you are going to like. the winter collection will include owlette, moth, and november's stitch club pattern (which i can't reveal just yet). stay tuned!