May 01, 2017
stitch club :: 5/2017 :: miss matryoshka

I'm finally starting my may stitch club pattern. (this little lady has been patiently waiting for me to take time to slow down!) these delicate feather stitch vines are first, 2 strands, and then I'll layer the green leaves over them.

chain stitch seems perfect for her hair, and i'm loving the puffy satin stitch tulips. so far, i've used 2 strands for all the embroidery on this piece.

i'm still stitching along on my sweet matryoshka. and here's a fun comparison -- i also stitched this one on a darker fabric, and (surprise) i love the way it turned out!
transferring a design to dark fabric can be a little tricky, so i like to use a water soluble sticky stabilizer (fabri-solvy). if you haven't tried it, it is magic stuff! feed it through your printer or draw directly on it, stick it to your fabric, and then stitch. when you're done, it dissolves in water and you're left with just fabric and embroidery.
want to know more about transfer methods? check out this blog post.
happy stitching!
if you need a little refresher for some of these stitches, check out my 'basic stitches for hand embroidery'
learn more about the stitch club here