March 22, 2019
super fly stitches

progress on march’s stitch club pattern!
i'm working on these little blue "super fly" stitches (i made that name up) and if you're curious about how i made them, i also made a very quick and shaky little video for you.
they're basically a fly stitch with one tail and 2 wings on each side:
first make your tail (1 straight stitch).
bring the needle up on the top right side, pass under the tail, and then take the needle down at the top left corner. the tail stitch should catch the wings.
repeat for the second set of wings.
be sure to check out other cozyblue stitching tips & tricks!
and for more embroidery inspiration and tutorials, be sure to check out#cozybluestitchingtipsandtricks and my embroidery board on pinterest