Stitch Club Update


it's been almost FIVE years since i started cozyblue stitch club, and in that time it's grown and changed, and grown some more, and i am super proud of what it's become.

during all that time, i never had any intention of limiting the number of people who could join the club. my goal is to share the joy of embroidery with everyone who wants it, and i want the club to be available to anyone who wants to take part.

and then, coronavirus came, and it flipped the world upside down.

one of the big ways that this pandemic has affected my business is that i no longer have access to some of the essential supplies that i need to make my products. specifically, i can't order the quantities and colors of DMC floss that i need for my complete kits, or for the stitch club packs.

right now, the company that supplies my floss is closed (they're a non-essential business in their state) and they've had trouble getting the DMC floss that they need from the factories in france.
the problem is a complex one, and it's one without an easy answer. right now no one can predict when those businesses will return to "normal" so i don't know when i'll have access to my floss again.

so for now, with supplies very limited and future uncertain, i have decided to temporarily stop accepting new stitch club memberships. (if you're a current club member and you're reading this, don't worry, i've got you covered.) 
when i am confident that i can deliver stitch club packs to an unlimited number of people, i will re-open the subscriptions.

thanks so much for your understanding!



✨ if you’d like to be notified when club memberships are available, please join my waiting list ✨

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