December 04, 2018
a cozyblue manifesto
slow down . get cozy . get crafty

our lives today are filled to the brim and we are constantly on the go. we have so many opportunities! but if we’re not careful, we’ll spend all our time doing and miss out on being.
i encourage you to slow down. take time to notice the world around you. look within and help your mind focus and calm so that you can come from a place of quiet rather than chaos. when your mind is peaceful, your life is richer.
get cozy. this is all about being comfortable. in your body, in your environment, or in your current season of life. settle into your space and your place. set the stage so that your creativity can thrive.
get crafty. here’s the truth: everyone is creative, and making time to express that creativity is a vital part of living this life. it is a unique piece of who we are. nurturing ourselves and tapping into our creativity allows us to become happier, more joyful, whole people.
the world needs more happy people, so let’s keep stitching!