October 01, 2018
stitch club :: 8/2018 :: evening walk
october's cozyblue stitch club design is inspired by autumn colors and one of my evening walks.
fields of overgrown grasses and wildflowers, fallen leaves, and a flock of birds soaring above the treeline.
at it's most basic, this pattern can be almost completely done using straight stitches.
to kick it up a notch, think about using more complex stitches, layering colors and/or stitches, or adding more lines to the design.
get creative! embroidery can be interpreted in so many ways.
i'm starting simple with seed stitches [ 3 strands ]
maybe my most frequently offered piece of advice is this:
start simple, start slow.
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when you're new to embroidery it is tempting to jump right in to the deep end, attempting fancy stitches and intricate designs.
but there is so much value in starting small and simple. and there is SO MUCH you can do with just a plain little straight stitch.
good work takes practice.
neat, precise stitches take practice.
learning the feel of the correct stitch tension, hoop tension... these things take time. and practice.
so don't be afraid to keep things simple. skipping over the basics might mean missing out on some of the most valuable lessons.
i'm using fern stitch for these dark green patches, 3 strands.
fern stitch is just 3 straight stitches, all meeting at the same point at the bottom center. together they will form an arrow-shaped stitch.
so simple, right? fern stitch is great for grasses, branches, and other vine-like designs.
the simplicity of this design is really soothing and easy, and i like the way these colors are working together.
Click the image below to see my colonial knots in progress!
i've been adding details! you know how much i love those tiny details, and they really do add so much.
i've just gone back with a single strand of floss and added tiny straight stitches.
✨ super simple, big impact ✨
here are my stitching notes for this one: [stitch name / # of floss strands]
red trees: [single chain (with long tail) / 3 ]
dark blue birds & dots: [fly stitch, colonial knots / 2 ]
yellow branches: [”double” fern stitch / 2 ]
silver stars: [star stitch / 2 ]
light green grass: [straight / 3 ]
dark green grass: [fern / 3 ]
brown leaves: [seed / 3 ]
if you need a little refresher for some of these stitches, check out my 'basic stitches for hand embroidery'
learn more about the stitch club here