July 13, 2018
auction to reunite families
behind the scenes of a photo for my lunar blossom kit.
this kit is just one tiny part of one fantastic bundle that is up for auction, with all proceeds going to help families reunite and stay together. head on over to @dropcloth and @miniaturerhino to view the #makersforfamilies auctions and to bid. there are six bundles valued at over $1500 and all proceeds are going to @aclu_nationwide @raicestexas and @together.rising
i've been working on a FAQ page for my website! check it out here and comment on this post and tell me what more you'd like to see on my FAQ page. i'll be adding more Q and A as i can.
health and wellness is a big part of my life, and i loved this greatist list of the 100 most influential people in health + fitness. i was happy to see some of my favorites in the spotlight, and it's fun to check out some of the new to me people too.
speaking of lists, i made it onto BuzzFeed last week! my share the love iron-on patches made this list of items to buy that donate 100% proceeds to human rights organizations. celebrating love and unity, and encouraging equality and human rights for ALL.
100% of my profits go the ACLU to promote and protect human rights, racial equality, immigration rights, and refugee assistance.
a few weeks ago we took a short family vacation to rock island, tennessee. it was incredibly beautiful there, and i was happy to get away and unplug for a bit. a few days of swimming, exploring, and relaxing together was exactly what we all needed!
if you're anywhere near, it's definitely worth a weekend visit!