💙 slow down, get cozy, get crafty 💙

April 06, 2018

spring in asheville

spring is finally in full swing here in asheville. march came in like a lion and stayed pretty fierce all month, but (fingers crossed!) april promises to be sweet and nice.

our favorite needles are back in stock again! i just got another new shipment of tulip needles and you can pick some up in my supply shop here.

i love chatting with you guys about books, and a recent instagram post that i made about the great alone reminded me that i wanted to make a hashtag for my book/reading posts. i definitely don't post everything i read on IG, but when i do, i'm using #cozybluereads.
if you guys are on goodreads, i try to keep track of what i'm reading over there, and i finally figured out how to link to my goodreads account. i was having some kind of mental block about it, but discovered that it was actually super easy and took literally 2 seconds.
p.s. i have since finished 'the great alone' and i really loved it!

the handmade with love super bundle is back

stephanie @swoodsonsays wrote a great round up post all about 21+ modern embroidery kits! there are some really beautiful designs included from a super group of designers. (big thanks, stephanie, for including me among these!)

did you see the new mr. rogers stamps for USPS? i just love him so much and i can't wait for the movie(s).


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CozyBlue Blog

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i believe small, simple acts of creativity can make the world a calmer, happier place. cozyblue helps you start one stitch at a time.